Saturday, August 31, 2019

Advanced Medical Technology Corp Essay

There are numerous factors, apart form the amount involved and security or collateral offered, a bank or any lending institution considers when granting a loan to potential borrowers. Some of the most important are a business/company’s financial standing, its financial obligations, the purpose for borrowing, past financial dealings of the borrower and its existing businesses with other entities. All of these are important factors to determine whether or not a bank shall tie its money down to the borrower. Advanced Medical Technology Corporation (AMT), a growing company, is eagerly interested in borrowing capital from Western National Bank of San Francisco, California in the amount of $8 million to maintain its current market position and to exploit new markets. The president of AMT believes that given the current standing of the company, sales will continue to grow in the same pace. Here are the issues Western National Bank of San Francisco should look into and study in order to come up with a decision regarding the loan request of AMT: (1)Current financial condition The financial statements of AMT for the years 1983, 1984 an 1985 shows that the company has been experiencing net losses for the past three years, primarily brought about by heavy spending on research and development. However, despite the losses, it seems that the company’s net profit margin has been improving in a continuing velocity. From 1983 to 1984, the net profit margin of the company improved considerably from -9.77% to -5.44%. This continued the following year with a net profit margin of -4.82. From this, we can infer that should the company continue its aggressive and competitive market stance, its net income would continue to improve. However, given the percentage of increase, the company will still continue to see negative income in the coming years. Reviewing the company’s financial statements also shows that company is realizing negative return on assets. Albeit negative, AMT’s return on assets improved significantly from -14.1% in 1983 to -7.15% in 1984. This growth in ROA continued the following year. Because AMT relies heavily on credit lines to finance its needs for research and development, it is important to look into the ability of the company to pay off its debt given its current earnings and assets. The current ratio of the company is decreasing. In 1983, it had a current ratio of 2.57. It dropped down to 1.78 in 1985. This shows the ability of AMT to pay-off its short-term debt. With the current ratio of the company, it may be safe to infer that the company has the ability fulfill its short-term obligations. (2)Security/Collateral The possible sources of security for the bank are accounts receivables, inventories and investments. AMT has a total of almost $6 million outstanding receivables in 1985. Given the aging of accounts receivable that year, it seems that there is a lot of room for improvement in the AR collection of the company. AMT should also implement a more rigorous investigation prior to granting a credit line to clients or customers. This is to ensure that the company attains a more acceptable average collection period. The investment of AMT totaling a little more than $1 million may be a good source of security for Western National Bank of San Francisco, California. Recommendation Given the factors stated above, this paper does not recommend the granting of the requested line of credit in the amount of $8 million. The ratio analysis clearly shows that AMT will continue to see negative returns and profits in the coming years. Its heavy investment in research and development leads to disproportionate operational expenses, which subsequently results to net losses. While the president of AMT is confident that sales will continue to increase at unprecedented pace, this may not be enough for the company to generate profits from its assets and investments. Given this, AMT is most likely to have a difficult time in managing and paying off a loan in this amount.

Article 6 of the European Courts of Human Rights

â€Å"The common law always contained due process principles. Article 6 of ECHR merely provides a new way of thinking about them as human rights. † Discuss.. Article 6 of the ECHR builds up a body of principles that relate to fair trial rights in regular courts. Nevertheless, an essential question which applies to both special tribunals and courts still remains whether they operate with sufficient fair trial guarantees. The term ‘due process’ refers to the legal obligation that a state must respect and provide all of the legal rights that are owed to a person.Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individuals from it. For example, when a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation. The common law is a law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals as opposed to statutes adopted through the legislative process issued by the executive bench. I t does contain due process principles as well as other basic human rights but it is to a certain degree. The European Court of Human Right which is located in Strasburg was established by the European Conventions on Human rights.It hears complaints that one of the 47 member state has violated the human rights written in the convention and its rules. Complaints can be brought by an individual or other contracting state and the court can also issue advisory opinion. Article 6 of the European Courts of Human Rights focuses basically on the right to a fair trial. Section 1 of the Article states that â€Å"In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.Judgment shall be pronounced publicly but the press and public may be excluded from all or part of the trial in the interests of morals, public order or nat ional security in a democratic society, where the interests of juveniles or the protection of the private life of the parties so require, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interests of justice.. † The Section 2 of the same act states that â€Å"Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.Section 3 explains further that â€Å"Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights: (a) to be informed promptly, in a language which he understands and in detail, of the nature and cause of the accusation against him. (b) to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence. (c) to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not sufficient means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free when the interests of justice so require. d) to examine or h ave examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him.(e) to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court. † The reaction of the common law courts to the European Court of Human Right is seen in the response of two very important cases of H v. Belgium and James v. UK. In H v. Belgium [1987] H was a Belgian citizen who had been struck off the roll of the Antwerp Bar.H has tried unsuccessfully to be reinstated. The court held that there has been a breach of Article 6 by the tribunal that had considered H’s re-admission. The court’s reasoning was based on 2 grounds: firstly, there was no right to challenge the tribunal’s decision. And secondly, the decision was not adequately reasoned. In James v. United Kingdom [1986] the applicants were the trustees of the Duke of Westminster. The estate contained certain properties that had been let to tenants.The tenants had made use of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 to buy the properties from the estate. The trustees complained that both the compulsory transfer and the prices received for the properties amounted to a breach of, inter alia, their Article 6 rights. The courts held that there had been no breach. The courts argued that: (a)Article 6 does not require that there be a national court with competence to invalidate or override national law. It does not guarantee any particular content for ‘civil rights and obligations’ on the substantive law of contracting states. b)In so far as the applicants considered that there was non-compliance with the leasehold reform legislation they had unimpeded access to a tribunal competent to determine the issue.In cases which determine civil rights and in criminal cases, it protects the right to a public hearing in front of an independent and impartial tribunal within reasonable time, the presumption of innocence and the other minimum rights for those charges in a criminal case such as: adequate time and facilities to prepare their defense, access o legal representation, right to examine witnessed against them to have them examined, right to the free assistance of an interpreter. Mainly most of the Convention violations that the courts find are excessive delays, in the violation of the â€Å"reasonable time† requirement. Another significant set of violations concerns the â€Å"confrontational clause† of Article 6 which protects the right to examine witnessed or have them examined. In this aspect, problems of compliance with Article 6 may arise when national laws allow the use in evidence of the testimonies of absent, anonymous and vulnerable witnesses.The response of the English courts to the Article 6 of ECHR was seen in the case of Fayed v. United Kingdom [1994] where the court argued that, â€Å"A fair balance had to be struck between the demands of the general interest of the community and the requirements of the protection of the individual’s fundamental rights. It’s not always easy to trace the dividing line between procedural and substantive limitations of a given entitlement of a domestic law. And in the case of Osman v United Kingdom [2000] allegations were raised about the alleged failure of the police to protect right to life and lawfulness of restrictions on right of access to a court. The appellants argued that thru k government had deprived them of a right of action in negligence against the police. The ECHR found that the appellants had been deprived of the right of access to the court. The ECHR went on to argue that Article 6(1) embodies the ‘right to a court’, of which the right of access, or the right to institute proceedings before a court in civil matters.The Article 6 of the ECHR is merely provided for thinking deeply about the rights to a fair trial more seriously as it could be ea sily breached by the courts. If it had been kept as a common law, the full rights of the individuals to an independent and impartial tribunal would have been not granted. And as a result of that, many individuals who have been accused of a crime would have been falsely imprisoned on the basis of not enough representation or unjust representation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ecological Systems Theory

From the time a person first enters this world until they taketheir final breath, they go through many changes that will shape their character and determine how they handle situations in their life. Many different psychologists have studied human behavior and why it is that we react a certain way in different circumstances, and ultimately why we behave in the way that we do. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed a model called the â€Å"Ecological Systems Theory† that attempts to explain what factors influence a person’s behavior and which ones have the most impact. The model is broken down into five systems: the â€Å"Microsystem†, â€Å"Mesosystem†, â€Å"Exosystem†, â€Å"Macrosystem†, and â€Å"Chronosystem†. The â€Å"Microsystem† is considered the most intimate or most influential level and it consists of the interactions between the person and their family or their close friends. These influences are bidirectional, meaning that both sides are influenced equally. For example, a child who is very calm and obedient will most likely cause the parent to be calm and trusting of the child. On the other hand, if the parent is very strict and harsh towards the child, the child may feel the urge to rebel against the parent. The â€Å"Mesosystem† essentially represents the connections between the â€Å"Microsystems†. This means that there is more than one factor that influences a situation in one’s life. For example, if a young student is doing poorly in school, it can be due to lack of parent involvement in their academics, or if the parents show interest in the child’s school life at all. Another example of this would be if an employee was not doing well in the workplace, it could be linked back to a fight at home or the lack of communication with a spouse. The next level in the theory is the â€Å"Exosystem†. This system is made up of experiences or factors that do not necessarily contain the developing person but nevertheless have an impact in their life. These factors or experiences can be formal or informal organizations. Formal organizations consist of flexible work schedules or paid maternity or paternity leaves and these circumstances can positively influence the parent-child relationship. Informal organizations can consist of the parent’s social networks, such as close friends or relatives that can offer advice or friendship in the child’s life. These relationships can provide a sense of trust and source of love in the life of the child. This system can also be observed in a way that will affect the child’s life negatively. For example, if the parents do not have close friends or a feeling of acceptance in the community, there has been shown to be an increased risk of child abuse and conflict within the family. The â€Å"Macrosystem† is a much broader system that consists of the cultural values, morals, customs, and resources in the community. An example of this would be if a child attends a private school that closely monitors the behavior of the children and tries to instill moral values, the child might experience a more enjoyable time during their school years. Bronfenbrenner defined the ever-changing nature of a person’s environment to be the â€Å"Chronosystem†. He noted that there were many factors that can influence or change the circumstances of one’s life, which he called â€Å"Ecological Transitions†. â€Å"Ecological Transitions† could be any event such as starting college, getting married, getting divorced, graduating high school or college, becoming a parent, or retiring. All of these instances could be considered â€Å"milestones† in someone ‘s life that can have a major impact in the routine or schedule one is familiar to. For the project, I chose to conduct an interview with my aunt, who is now forty-eight years old. In the interview, I asked her questions that would reveal what or who were the influences in her life and what were the major special events that occurred. I repeated the interview with her twice; the first to ask her about her life at the age of twenty-one and then again at the age of thirty-six. I found that it was very interesting to interview my aunt about her experience at the age of twenty-one, only two years older than I am now. I tried to compare her influences, concerns, and experiences with mine and found that we are similar in many ways I was not aware of, but also very different in others. There were many factors in my aunt’s life that influenced where she is today in her life. When she was twenty-one, in the â€Å"Microsystem† level, three people that truly influenced her life at the time were my grandparents, Mimi and Papa, and my great grandmother, Mamette. My aunt was extremely close to Mamette, and confided in her in many ways. Since all three were members of her close family, they would be considered part of this system and very crucial to her development at the time. My aunt told me after she graduated from college all she wanted to do was party and not find a job, and I found that these factors and this mindset were part of the â€Å"Mesosystem†. The fact that she was partying all the time, or her social life, was hindering her from finding a job and moving on from her college days. Since the â€Å"Mesosystem† is essentially factors that influence other factors or circumstances, the fact that she had recently graduated from college made her feel like she had the right to party and not find a job. Another factor in her lack of diligence toward finding a job was that her parents did not put a lot of pressure on her to do so. Along with factors in the â€Å"Microsystem† and â€Å"Mesosystem†, the â€Å"Exosystem† in her life consisted of many influences that played a role in the crisis of no motivation and partying all the time. One factor in this system was that many of her friends were getting jobs after they graduated college, and she knew that she should be searching for one, but the motivation was not there. Another factor was that she may have felt that she deserved to â€Å"have some time off† after working so hard in college. These examples are forms of informal organizations in the â€Å"Exosystem†. An example of a formal organization was that she applied for a job with the IRS and she was waiting for them to call her about her application. She jokes during her interview that she would still be in that stage if she didn’t look for another job until the IRS called her back because its been twenty-seven years and they still haven’t called! The â€Å"Macrosystem† played a role in her development at that time also. She mentioned how life just seemed more â€Å"laid back† and â€Å"carefree†; times were easier and there was no terrorism (that she knew of). The culture was also more wholesome than it is now and the moral values of the country were at higher standards. One strain of the country and the economy was the oil crisis that erupted during the 80’s. She remembers expensive gas and oil, and that the economy was not very strong during that time. As she reflected on this time of her life, she says that there were experiences during that time of her life that have an impact on her life now. Sometimes she wishes she could go back to that time of fun and â€Å"no worries†, but what was most important about that time of her life was the friendships she made. She’s learned life is not about a job, money, or objects, but about the relationships one makes along the way. She has recently gone through a divorce, and she says that she could have never made it through that hard time without the friends she made in high school, college, her sorority, or even in the past couple years. The â€Å"Chronosystem† encompasses changes over time and how one develops over a lifetime. Her reflection and the amount she has grown as a person in the last couple decades is an example of the way a human can change and mature in this particular system. Next, I interviewed my aunt about her life when she was thirty-six years old and lived in Houston, TX. She described this time as some of the best years of her life. Her son, Mike, was six years old and her daughter, Stacey, was only three. She reminisced about the neighborhood bar-b-ques, pig roasts, her amazing church, the kid’s summer camp, and great friends. During the interview I could tell that she truly longed to go back to this time. Her â€Å"Microsystem† level consisted of her best friends, Dana and Diane, and her Bible Study Fellowship leader, Gloria Day. These people truly shaped her life at the time and she was explaining how they still have an impact on her now. Just the other day she talked to her friend, Dana, about her divorce, and she can see just how important these influences are in her life. The â€Å"Mesosystem† at this time consisted of the influence of the guidance she acquired in Bible Study Fellowship that helped her to be a better mother and spouse. Also, her church served as an outlet for her to find good friends that would hold her accountable and provide advice and companionship when she needed it most. In the â€Å"Exosystem† there were many areas in her life that socially provided experiences and interactions that would influence her at the time. The formal organization of this level was the fact that she was a stay-at-home mom, giving her more time with her children and the ability to focus on being the best mother she could be. Another example of an informal organization would be her Bible Study Fellowship. Here she could make friends with the same beliefs and morals, and really gain a group that would provide great stability and accountability. The â€Å"Macrosystem† during this time consisted of a stimulated economy, the price of gas was cheap, and, again, there was no fear or worry of terrorism. She noted how practically everyone in her neighborhood was an engineer. The stress that we now experience today of terrorist attacks and a failing economy was not present. I once again asked to reflect on her life at that time, and see how her experiences then have influenced her life now. This answer came to her much easier than when I asked her about the influence of her experiences when she was twenty-one. Her involvement in Bible Study Fellowship showed her how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and how to apply her study of the Bible to real life. Her leader, Gloria Day, truly inspired her to grow in her walk with God and rely on Him for everything. She revealed in the interview how she had been going through some very tough times, and if she did not have the information she learned through Bible Study Fellowship, she would not have had the same optimistic and hopeful view of her struggles now. Over time, her walk with the Lord has gone through times when she was very close with Him, and times when she was not. In the â€Å"Chronosystem†, her relationship with God and her spiritual beliefs have been the defining factor of her inner strength as a person. Along with her relationship with God, many major events, or â€Å"ecological transitions†, occurred from the time that she was twenty-one and thirty-six. For example, she found a job, got married, became a parent, and moved. All of these events can have an influence on one’s character and well-being. They can have a â€Å"rippling effect† in someone’s life, influencing many parts during one time. My aunt recalled that she absolutely hated moving, and they would stay in the same place for about three years. She said the first year was always the hardest, the second year was better, and the third was when they were finally settled but then my uncle would have to move again for his job. The moving process always took a toll on her family and kids, never truly establishing a place for them to call â€Å"home†. Another â€Å"ecological transition† for her during this time was getting married. Marriage is definitely an adjustment and her decision in the man she chose to marry may not have necessarily been the right one. Nevertheless, changes that one experiences in their life require adjustment, or an â€Å"ecological transition†. The â€Å"Microsystem†, â€Å"Mesosystem†, â€Å"Exosystem†, â€Å"Macrosystem†, and â€Å"Chronosystem† are the ecological systems in our lives that influence our character, morals, and decisions. From the time my aunt was twenty-one to thirty-six, the influences in her life changed drastically. Instead of being influenced by her parents and grandmother like when she was younger, she was more independent from her family and her close friends and studying God’s word had the most impact on her. Right after she graduated from college, she was not focused on â€Å"growing up† or finding a job, but mostly on partying and having a good time. She matured greatly when she started a family, as she became more focused on others rather than herself. Virtually everything in her life changed when she had children, from her schedule to her priorities. As the influences and events in my aunt’s life changed over the years, so will mine when I am older. My ecological systems will always be transforming as I graduate college, get married, and eventually have children. Right now my life is focused around what is best for me; my education, social life, and health. I am still dependent on my parents for guidance and support, but I am beginning to lean more on God’s will for my life and trusting in Him rather than advice from other people. After I graduate my â€Å"Mesosystem† will change, along with my â€Å"Exosystem†, â€Å"Macrosystem†, and â€Å"Chronosystem†. By acquiring the knowledge of how factors influence an individual, I will be able to truly examine what those factors are in my life and decide which are in my best interest. In conclusion, Studying Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory was very interesting and I feel it will be very helpful to know in my future teaching career. When a child is misbehaving and is not performing to their best ability in school, I can look into their home life and see if there are any distractions or added stresses that could be hindering their academic performance. Also, I hope to provide a source of guidance and comfort for my students that extend past the realm of academics, but can better them as a person in the long run. Urie Bronfenbrenner was a brilliant man whose research and theories can help people have a better understanding about the influences in their lives and how to use them to their full advantage. Ecological Systems Theory Despite previous theories, Erie Brotherliness's ecological systems theory continues o be one of the most comprehensive theories used to better understand human needs. That Is why it has become Increasingly Important to be able to recognize the key concepts of the ecological systems theory and to be able to Identify what characteristics set this theory apart from other theories. Once this level of competence is achieve, workers should be able to identify what kind of problems and/or clients this theory would be helpful with.This skill can only be mastered by understanding every detail of the ecological systems theory. Discussion According to Whooper, Rooney, Dewberry Rooney, Storm-Gottfried, and Larsen (2010), the ecological systems theory suggests that Individual engagement with other human beings (niche) and systems within the environment (habitat) are two of the most influential factors that determine human needs. This is because both factors reciprocally influence each other (2010 ).For instance, a change in a person's environment typically changes the kind of people that person interacts with and the type of resources that person has access to. If I decided to move from the projects to he suburbs, I would be exposed to a new community. My new community will allow me to network with people who I might not have had the opportunity to network with when I lived In the projects. My move from the projects to the suburbs could also provide me with access to more resources such as libraries and jobs.A change in a person's niche or habitat can be positive or negative. The ecological systems theory makes it clear that it is desirable to have a positive and well-balanced niche and habitat. This Is because â€Å"the satisfaction of human needs and mastery of placement task require adequate resources In the environment and positive transactions between people and their environment† (Whooper, Rooney, Dewberry Rooney, Storm;Gottfried, and Larsen, 2010, 16).For examp le, a person who aspires to be a phenomenal business leader would be better prepared to take on that role if he or she had access to superior educational institutions and positive interaction with individuals who are already in this type of position. This is because the educational facilities can provide valuable knowledge to that Individual and the exposure to other traders can open up hands-on learning opportunities. Now Image If there were gaps In any AT ten above resources or negative Interactions Ana now tense gap could hinder that individual's needs and development.This notion that a person's life circumstances are based on individual interactions and different layers of his or her environment is what set the ecological systems theory apart from other theories. This is because, historically, theorists have only used one of the two variables to understand different aspects of human life. The ecological systems theory is helpful on both the micro and macro level of social work. For a clinical social worker, the ecological systems theory is the most helpful in phase one of the helping process.During this phase the worker explores client needs, assesses contributing factors, and devises a plan of action to help meet client needs. Taking an ecological system's approach to this phase will allow the worker to create a more accurate profile of client needs, help to determine what environmental absentees may be causing certain needs, determine individuals who may be costively or negatively contributing to client needs, and to determine what actions need to take place to help bridge the gap between client's habitat and niche.Personally, the ecological systems theory appears to be an ingenious approach to the field of social work. It is very advantageous because it forces the worker and the client to create an all-inclusive picture of the client's reasons for needing a social worker. As human being we have a tendency to identify a single factor as the cause of all of our problems. The ecological system perspective is helpful in extending our coal point.Applying this theory would be the most beneficial to me when I am working with clients who are having difficulties meeting certain needs because of a lack of resources or with clients who have a drug abuse problem. I identify drug abuse clients because these types of clients typically use drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with some of their relationships or current living situations. Conclusion In closing, the ecological systems theory is one of the best theories to apply when attempting to assess human needs.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Texas A&M bonfire disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Texas A&M bonfire disaster - Essay Example This critical essay presents a brief look at what can be learnt from the previously mentioned incident and the essay illustrates how communications play an important role in disaster mitigation and emergency response. On November 18, 1999 preparations for the annual Texas A & M University bonfire which used to be an annual event on the eve of the football game between Texas A & M University and its archrival the University of Texas at Austin went horribly wrong when the forty foot stack which was being constructed for the bonfire collapsed. The collapse occurred during the early morning hours on the previously mentioned date. The stack that was being constructed consisted of approximately 5000 logs which were being stacked for a bonfire and as a result of the collapse twelve people died and another twenty - eight had to be hospitalized with serious injuries. 1 The incident was particularly sad because most of those that suffered were young people who were preparing for what was supposed to be an event that had been a part of the university tradition for a long time. The previously mentioned incident was an emergency response incident and although emergency medical personnel from the University Emergency Medical Service were on the scene at the time of the collapse, a 911 call was considered as being appropriate considering the magnitude of the disaster. The first 911 call was received at the City of College Station’s Emergency Communications Center at 02:43 hours and this means that a delay had possibly occurred before it was decided that a call had to be made for further assistance. The caller had reported that the bonfire stack had collapsed at the university campus and that as many as thirty people were suspected to be trapped under logs. Emergency response was swift and the first ambulance and fire teams arrived on the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Take Our Responsibility in Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Take Our Responsibility in Groups - Essay Example In most cases, when people are in a group they think and do things differently than as they would when they are alone. For instance, in cases where there is a dangerous incidence, it can be observed that most people particularly women will respond by running away in order to seek help. In so doing this, they might be at a risk of landing in problems but at the end they could be safe. However, if people are in a group and such a dangerous incident happens, it can be noted that most of them will respond by holding back. In the essay, Carol Tavris noted that such response is not because â€Å"people are lazy, cowardly or have 50 other personality deficiencies; it has more to do with the nature of groups than the nature of individuals.† In relation to this, there are several examples given in the essay to illustrate and justify such a response and show what people did in reality. In one experiment, the experiment settings was set in such a way that students sat in a room, either alone or in groups. They were then exposed to an emergence incidence that included a smoke. Later, the student’s response was monitored. In this case, it was observed that Students, who were alone responded first by hesitating for a minute, then later got up, and checked where the smoke was coming from. Afterwards, they responded by reporting the incidence/emergency to the authority. On the other hand, the students who were sitting in groups never made any move. They were seen to sit for about six minutes in the smoke until the level where they could barely see properly. They responded by rubbing their eyes as well as coughing. Basing on this given example in the essay, it can be noted that when people are in a group and an emergence happens or a dangerous incident which is risky to their lives. They will respond by taking no action at that point in time. This could be because they might assume that nothing should be done since the situation has

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Public Relations - Essay Example The primary reasons behind their failure to effectively, efficiently and consistently practice the PR have been further attributed with the lack of proper resources and ineffective time management as well as faulty resource allocation (Gale, 2007). Contextually, involving in community development activities is often considered as a vital strategy for promoting relationships as well as developing long-term prosperous ownership of initiatives with variety of important publics emphasizing on the sustainability needs of the organization through stakeholder engagement. In order to attain successful outcomes from the campaigns that are designed to promote healthy relationship with large group of population and encouraging behavioral change concerning with certain specific issues identified by NPOs, it is crucial that proper strategies and planning is devised prior to the commencement of the campaign. It is equally necessary that effective monitoring and evaluation is developed for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the undertaken PR campaigns (Gale, 2007). Based on these considerations, the purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of PR initiatives engaging United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and its public in relation to certain health related issues including cancer awareness, drug abuse prevention, smoking cessations and child welfare among others. Identification of Key Publics The primary reason behind determining the target group is to identify the groups and audiences who need to change their perceptions, behavioral traits and attitudes (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2010). The proper identification of audiences and their efficient segmentation can facilitate in determining the course of communication in the most progressive way. Contextually, UNICEF attempts to communicate with a wide range of the public maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship. Each of these public groups is further identified to have unique sets of issues concerning with various health factors (United Nations Children’s Fund, 2005). Correspondingly, the communication campaign initiated with due concern towards health issues, UNICEF targeted the group of public including men and women living in the most deprived areas specially those working in hazardous environmental conditions. For similar kind of PR campaigns, the school and college going young and adult people, who tend to easily get habituated to smoking and are vulnerable to drug abuse, can also be treated as the target audiences. Similarly, parents and teenagers were also targeted for the campaigns in order promote child welfare by UNICEF in its PR campaigns concerning the progress needs for women and children. With reference to the organizational vision and PR initiatives, the communication programs conducted by UNICEF can be divided into three fundamental groups of audiences in general, including men and women workin g in hazardous working environment, school and college going children and adult prone to unsocial lifestyles, and the parents who are primarily engaged in the working followed by teenagers (NGLS, 2009; United Nations Children’s Fund, 2005). Effectiveness of Communication between UNICEF and Its Intended People The perquisite for effective communication requires timely preparation, effective use of languages, proper understanding of culture where the campaign will be held and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Like Water for Chocolate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Like Water for Chocolate - Essay Example She chooses to block out the poor treatment and hide her feelings away, tucked in the corner of her mind. But when one particular visitor group graces her with his presence, she is surprised and decides not to judge the rest of them. "They left peacefully, just as they had come, and Mama Elena was quite disconcerted by the way they had treated her: it didn’t fit the picture of the heartless ruffians she’d been expecting. From that day on she would not express any opinion about the revolutionaries. What she never learned was that this captain was the same Juan Alejandrez had carried off her daughter Gertrudis some months before." Chapter twelve is a very unique chapter because it gives us a glimpse of the Mama Elena’s character as she seems to slightly change throughout the story. This chapter focuses on the month of December. It’s been almost a year since they had found Tita’s recipes and Mama Elena is still upset that her daughter Tita (who had die d) wants to marry Pedro and leave her all alone. Her tyrannical personality seems to keep people away but for some reason, Juan Alejandrez’s sincere concern for her three daughters softened her heart. No trespassing! The visit from the entire battalion was more of a surprise as Mama Elena began to defend her turf. She raised her gun high and pointed it to the troops. Due to her maternal authority, even grown men were afraid of her. Though they had a perfect shot, they could not seem to do away with her because of her daunting personality. But as the captain chose not to shoot her, she realized that her assumptions of these people were incorrect. Though they came to take, they had such great respect for Mama Elena and her people. This confused her, making her rethink the definition of â€Å"heartless ruffians.† She feared them taking what was precious to her. She feared being left alone. According to tradition, who would care for her after all were gone? The chapterâ₠¬â„¢s theme is quite simple. The title of the chapter is â€Å"Chiles in Walnut Sauce.† This refers to hot personalities in a calming setting. The quote resembles this title and theme only because you have the so called â€Å"thieves† with a good nature. It appears that the title itself is ironic because no one expects to be confronted by polite thieves. It just does not fit the definition. This dish was being made for the wedding, so the shelling of the nuts had to be done quickly and correctly. As the chapter continues, and the ranch is burned down, the celebration of the weddings is ironically placed. Fireworks are not the causes of the fire but instead, candles†¦.to think the fire is fireworks celebrating a union creates a symbol of the last straw and is a sign the oppression being stopped. Once the ranch burnt to the ground, no longer were the Gaza sisters under Mama Elena’s tyrannical rule. Chili in a Walnut sauce is like a deaf person enjoying music. You must do what is expected of you! Duty, tradition and responsibility are the overriding themes in the entire book â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate.† Each are very important as the book moves from what one feels they must do to what one has to do for themselves. As tradition lies at the center of the story, it is important to note that throughout generations, tradition does not change, instead, people do. As

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Describe the economic background of British Airways. Identify three Essay

Describe the economic background of British Airways. Identify three probelms and propose three solutions - Essay Example it would be to exhibit the proclamations of this corporation, we must first understand British Airways’ true economic past and current situation that we may assess any apparent failures and successes. British Airways has, in its years of operation, has continued its vocation with responsible and efficient provided services. In the suspect economy the international aviation market now possesses, it is almost ridiculous to specifically relate past economic standings to those of today, for today’s market differs even from yesterdays, ad infinitum. However, in keep this notion, we may view British Airways’ past economic conditions in comparison to the company’s internal and separate record. To be most efficient, we view the status of the company from the year 96 to present; keeping in mind, of course, how absolute the success of this business has been. With it’s highly regarded standing as one, if not the only, leading carrier in the UK, British Airways has carried millions of passengers out of 550 airports including its main station which is the largest international airport in the world; Heathrow. The company has multiple industry partners including franchise partner GB Airways, British Mediterranean, Sun Air and Comair, and â€Å"oneworld† partners Iberia, Qantas, Finnair, American Airlines, Aer Lingus and Cathay Pacific Airways. UNICEF, British Airways’ United Nations Children’s Fund, commenced in April 1994 and has raised funds to support many a good cause; the most recent development in the effort being the launch of the â€Å"Change for Good† programme which offers funds raised to aid needy children across the world. In 2005 alone, British Airways received 34 Awards in various months for its services and overall business standards. Among them: â€Å"Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporation s,† given by Corporate Knights Inc at the World Economic Forum in February; Best International Airline and Best Domestic Airline, given by the Association of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Is Large-Scale Biomass Combustion a sustainable Option for Energy Essay

Is Large-Scale Biomass Combustion a sustainable Option for Energy Generation - Essay Example It also encompasses the dead remains of biological species that can be utilized further as a fuel or chemical product (Basu, 2010). In this similar concern, energy is fundamentally described as the ability or the capacity of an individual or a person to perform a particular task. It possesses a significant need in everyday life. For instance, energy is being used for various activities that include the execution of cars for moving one place to another and televisions for the purpose of entertainment among others. Moreover, energy is also used for producing electricity and heat for different purposes. It has been apparently observed that a large percentage of energy is obtained from the combustion of biomass (Need, 2012). In this paper, a critical discussion about the use of sustainable energy will be taken into concern. Moreover, the determination of large-scale business combustion as one of the sustainable options for energy generation will also be discussed in this paper. Large Sca le Biomass Combustion as a Sustainable Option for Energy Biomass Combustion is principally described as the method of burning through which 90% of the world’s energy is released to supply heat and energy services like material processing that includes food preparation, electricity and transportation. It has been viewed as the process through which fuels are burnt with the help of oxygen (Overend, 2004). Biomass Combustion Biomass combustion is considered as the oldest type of combustion that largely exploited by human beings. It is also regarded as one of the most complicated forms of combustion system. This process of combustion entails the use of solid fuels in a multi-phase reaction system interacting with different mass fluxes. The prime understanding of the solid fuel combustion system reveals with reference to the fact that only fuel can burn and release heat. It has also been viewed that solids and liquids do not burn by themselves but consume heat in the process of dr ying which are required to be chemically transformed into fuel gas. There are several different materials that can be considered as biomass. These materials include solid wood, fats and proteins (Overend, 2004). The process of biomass combustion fundamentally takes place in 6 phases that comprise drying, coke combustion, volatile ignition as well as emission, volatile flame burning along with volatile flame extinction. It has been apparently observed that the process of biomass combustion initially takes place in the homogenous stage and later in the heterogeneous stage. The procedure of the biomass combustion can be better understood with the help of the following illustration. Fig.1: Process of Biomass Combustion Source: (NEST, n.d.) The deliverance of sustainable energy has been noted to be one of the critical issues in recent times linked with the procedure of biomass combustion. In this similar context, it can be stated that human beings might face a tough challenge in the upco ming years about accessing different energy sources. According to various researches, biomass combustion is regarded as an important source that might make a greater contribution towards the fulfilment of the demand for energy in future. Presently, it has been viewed that biomass is one

Friday, August 23, 2019

The UK and The European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The UK and The European Union - Essay Example The core values of the union are human dignity, democracy, democracy, equality, freedom, rule of law and respect for human rights. What began as an economic union has slowly evolved into an organization spanning different policy areas, such as development aid, environment among others. It was initially called European Economic Community, but its name changed to the present one, which is the European Union. The rule of law guides the EU in all matters and everything is based on treaties that Europe. are democratically and voluntarily agreed upon by all member states (European Union, n.d.). The EU has managed to come up with a single currency, the Euro that is used among the member states, help raise the living standards of the member states citizens, and has brought stability, peace and prosperity. Through the standardized system of law, the EU has established a single market that is used by all member states. It has also removed border controls among EU nations which have made people travel freely among them. Additionally, it has made it easy to live and work among the nations when one is a citizen of one of the nations. EU membership means the residents of existing EU states have the rights and privileges to live and work in the UK (Manners and Whitman, 2000). Countries however have the option of placing transitional limits on migration from other countries to the EU. During one of the recent council meetings, there was a divide about the UK’s relationship with the EU. Niblett states that it showed the growing division between UK’s approach to its membership in the EU (2012). Since the council meeting, the disparity has widened rather than narrowing down. The Eurozone members that have joined the single currency period are joining forces to create and establish a new structure of financial and political integration that seeks to establish a Euro that is more stable. However, the UK is not part of this. In fact, the UK has never shared the same kind of

Do Oil Prices Influence Non-Oil Sector Stocks in Saudi Arabia Research Paper

Do Oil Prices Influence Non-Oil Sector Stocks in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example The research will also investigate the role of the country’s oil dependence on the stock market in Saudi Arabia too as it has been previously confirmed by research. Besides, the research is also going to confirm whether the dependence of the Saudi Arabian economy on oil is much higher than in the US, as it has been established before that contrary to the finding of this report for US, a higher correlation is always expected between oil prices and stocks in Saudi Arabia. This report includes 8 main sections including the Introduction, Literature review, Research methodology, Findings and Conclusions. The introduction provides a background and context for the research done, as well as describing the scope and objectives of the report, the achievements of previous studies and an overview of the entire research briefly explaining the contents in other sections. In the Literature review the existing studies in this field are discussed. The research methodology and findings section describe the method of data collection, as well as a detailed analysis of the results and how they were obtained. The Conclusion summarises the issues discussed in the research, as well as the achievements. This paper also discusses the statistical data collected and evaluates the research compared to existing work and set the direction for future work in this field. I. Introduction Oil is one of the most important economic resources in world’s economy today. The context of oil has been found to be more important in the Saudi Arabian economy as it is has one of the biggest reserves of oil (one-fifth of world’s total) and is the second largest producer (behind Russia) of oil in the world. The government of Saudi Arabia has been encouraging private sector participation and growth in an effort to reduce the kingdom's over-dependence on oil, while increasing opportunities for employment within the citizenry. This research will aim to investigate whether high oil prices, hi gh volatility in oil prices, and oil price shocks lead to reduced economic activity and lower stock returns in Saudi Arabia as it has been confirmed previously. There is a limited amount of existing research on the influence of oil prices on non-oil sector stocks in Saudi Arabia. The available research does not indicate whether oil prices indeed influences the stock prices or not. From enterprises’ point of view, as a large part of Saudi Arabian economy is controlled by exports, especially oil exports, the effect on oil price will be investigated to determine whether it makes an indirect impact on businesses in Saudi Arabia. Many leading economists and several theories in economics point to the impact of oil price changes in world economies have studied fluctuations and shocks in oil prices intensively. The context of oil is even more important in the Saudi Arabian economy as it is has one of the biggest reserves of oil (one-fifth of world’s total) and is the second la rgest producer (behind Russia) of oil in the world. Saudi Arabia has proven oil reserves of 264.52 billion barrels of oil (OPEC, 2011) and was only recently surpassed by Venezuela who claimed their oil reserves had risen to 269.5 billion barrels of oil. In terms of oil production, Saudi Arabia has a quota allocation of just over 30% of production among Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) countries. The Saudi Arabian oil production in 2010 was 9.1 million barrels per day, which accounted for

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Answers to Select End of Chapter Questions Essay Example for Free

Answers to Select End of Chapter Questions Essay 16. Since we have the profits from all three scenarios we just to compare the present values of each scenario. We do not need to subtract anything from the present value since the costs have already been subtracted from profits. We can see that we have the highest present value of $290.87 when we use high advertising intensity. Therefore this is the recommended scenario. Q2. This question deals with margin analysis, we will look at incremental revenues and costs and see whether they are worth it. On the revenue side we have an increase on 9807700, however we also have incremental costs of television airtime, ad development and a loss of $6000000 in another division We can see that when we add up the incremental costs, they exceed the extra revenues by 317100. Therefore I do not recommend that this campaign to be undertaken. Q21. Producer Producer. The Brazilian and five other producers are competing against the US Southern Shrimp Alliance. Both groups are competing to provide the customers with the best shrimps at the lowest cost. However currently the Brazilian Producers have an advantage with their lower labor, cheap land etc. Government and Market; According to the current scenario, the Brazilian Group would be choice of the market since they can produce it much cheaper. However, the Sourthern Alliance is trying to lobby the Government into imposing tariffs Brazilian Imports. Consumer Producer Rivalry; The American Seafood Distributors, which represent consumers of shrimp farming, are interested in having the lowest cost. They are supporting the Brazilians and can potentially choose not to buy from the US based shrimp farmers. Consumer – Consumer Rivalry; Is pretty low, since they have banded together to form the American Seafood Distributors. Five Forces Analysis: Shrimp Farming Industry Power of Buyers; High Buyers have formed the American Seafood Distributors, which means they can ask negotiate in bulk and choose whether they buy from one firm or not. They apparently have very low switching costs. Since shrimp is still shrimp wherever it came from, the price value combination becomes very important. Possible Government Intervention. Power of Suppliers; Low The shrimp farmers procure their supply from the sea. And really the shrimps have very little choice in the matter. There is plentiful supply, although it depends upon the weather and climate, therefore geographically specific. Also the fishermen who fish for the shrimp or the people who work in the farms demand lower wages for Brazilians but relatively high for the US based on the labour laws. Competitive Intensity: High Differentiation is low and competition is based primarily on price. There seems to be a high degree of concentration amongst the firms competing in the industry. Substitutes; There are various substitutes available within the product class. Instead of shrimps, consumers could go for other seafood such as fish. Or they could also choose to go completely different route and avoid Seafood altogether. Entry; Medium Economics of scale are necessary to harvest shrimps at a lower cost, and since there is bulk buying, network effects are also important. Q23. I would tell the owner that while owner did the right thing by incentivizing the manager, but the structure of the incentive needs to be changed. The owner has incentivized the manager to make sales, but has given no incentives to the manager to sell at a higher price. I would recommend that the owner should either set a minimum price on sales or, offer the incentive out of the profits e.g offer 2% of the profit on the sale which would ask. CHAPTER 2 Q11. In the first case, a drop in price of components represents a change in the factors of production. Therefore this will result in a change in the ‘quantity supplied’. This means that the supply curve will shift to the right. Since there is no change in the demand curve, this means that the price will fall. (exh 1) In the second scenario, we have information that incomes are supposed to grow over the coming two years. Change in income produces a change in the demand curve. This is case; we know that RAM is a normal good, with people having income over $75000 buy nearly 1.3 times more. Therefore we can expect the price to increase. However, whether this final price is greater than the initial price (before the changes in supply and demand curve) is unclear and will depend upon how much does the supply curve shifted due to cost drop. Exh1exh2 Blue: Previous SupplyBlue: Previous Supply Red: New Supply Red: New Supply Green: New Demand Q13. First of all, the question misquotes the law of demand. When the prices of cigarettes are raised, the ‘quantity demanded for cigarettes will fall but the ‘demand for cigarettes will not’. The effectiveness of higher pricing will depend upon the cause of the higher pricing. If the price hike is due to a price ceiling by the governmen. then definitely the number of cigarettes demanded will decrease. However, cigarettes are very addicting, which means that the price elasticity if cigarettes is very low. So the drop in quantity demanded is very small. (exh 3). On a theoretical level, it is possible for the equilibrium price to remain the same but with lower number of cigarettes smoked. In this diagram, the red line is demand, while the blue line is supply, we can clearly see that even with a price ceiling, the number of cigarettes smoked as decrease very little. Exh 3 Q14. Well, in order to find out the equilibrium price and quantity I will equate the demand and supply functions. 175 – p = 2P -200. This gives us P = $125. Furthermore, at this price 50 pints of blood will be processed. In order to find the consumer surplus we will need to find the area underneath the demand curve. $175 Price $ 125A B $100 50Quantity The area of triangle A is the consumer surplus = Â ½ * (50) * (175-125) = 1250 The area of triangle B is the producer surplus = Â ½ * (50) * (125-100) = 625 Q15. Crude oil is the critical component in the refining process. The price of gasoline will rise dramatically due to the shift in the supply curve. Since the fuel has become more expensive, people will want to buy less of it and therefore will want to buy cars which are more fuel efficient. This will cause the demand curve for fuel efficient cars to shift to the left. Q16. Qs1 = 4P – 110 which gives me coordinates of (0, 27.5) and (-110,0) Qs2 =4.171P – 110 which give me coordinates of (0, 26.37) and (-110,0) Qd= 250 5P which give me coordinates of (0, 50) and ( 250,0) First let me find the equilibrium price and quantity by equating Qs1 and Qd. This gives me Pe = 40 Qe= 50 million. Also when I equate Qs2 with Qd I get the new equilibrium Pe2 = 39.25. Each customer saves 75 cents per month. Q10 of the assignment The price of an entry level DVD player is $25.70 on Ebay According to my estimate, the demand curve and supply curve have both shifted to the left. Demand Curve; Â  As opposed to 2003, in 2012 people have many more option in which to watch their movies. They can carry them on USBs, stream them over the internet, or rent them online from websites such as Netflics. All of these directly contribute to reduce the popularity of DVDs which are complements of Dvd Players. Since there are so many alternate channels to watch movies which offer better price and excellent quality, people will not demand as much of the product. Furthermore, the large amounts of substitutes will directly contribute make the demand much more elastic, so that at the slightest decrease in the price people will switch out Supply Curve; Due to mass production and advancements in technology one could expect that the supply curve should shift outwards. However, due to the number of firms which will pull out of this industry the supply curve will shift towards the left. There is simply not enough demand to sustain all these firms. ii)Besides the change in the number of suppliers, change in technology or a decrease in labour costs could affect the supply similarly

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reflection Of The Movie Dead Poets Society Education Essay

Reflection Of The Movie Dead Poets Society Education Essay The report is a work assigned to deal with the reflection of the movie Dead Poets Society. These couples of pages are based on the organizational culture and different groupings of the boarding school in this movie. Finally evaluate culture of the school and identified group which influence each other and linked to each other. Dead Poets Society presents a representation of an English teacher that is curiously inspiring and at the same time disturbing. This is the story of students as the respected Welton Academy. The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating was moved his students to a love of poetry and learning that transcends their otherwise structured and controlled academic existence. He perhaps crosses boundaries that probably should not be crossed by someone in a position of authority and respect. This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. Actually it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted against conservative forces that resist all change including the drive for personal self- determination. Source: Carpe Diem; Lessons about Life and Management from Dead Poets Society in the Journal of Management Education, Vol. 16. The organizational style of the boarding school is very traditional, reflecting one of the most significant principles of the school, namely tradition. The idea of the campus along with typical features like the twin-bedded rooms strongly resembles college and therefore hints at where the school finally leads. As a preparatory school, the basic aim is to prepare the pupils for college in the most excellent way. One detail that contributes to this goal is the class size of 16 boys only. The background of the boys is clearly upper class. On the one hand, the school fees demand for an upper class-income. Features like clothes and speech of the boys and their family point to an upper class background. Moreover the culture of the school is closely bound to the student families. Usually, generations and generations of their forefathers have attended the school, which is why the boys automatically have to follow this tradition. The family seems to be obliged to the school both by financial support as well as by sending their sons to the school. Thus, the boys do not have any choice; their career is determined from birth. The school organizational style restricted and directed the behaviors of the boys in one path. Any demonstration of a free thought is strictly prohibited by the school authority. Sense of worth becomes one of the centers of the school. For example Neils low self-esteem reveals itself only in the relationship with Neils father, but leads Neil to his tragic end. On the other hand, Todd, with the help of Professor Keatings, was able to build up his self-esteem. John Keatings wasnt a regular professor: his teaching methods were very different from those of others in the school. The relationship between Todd and professor Keatings is quite interesting because we can see the transformation that Todd went through from being afraid to answer teachers question to being the first one to show his appreciation for Mr. Keatings when doing so could lead to expelling from the school. Considering the facts mentioned above, one can regard the boys as forming a separate society from the school organizational culture, defined by particular principles, location and background. If the emphasis in the definition of class lies on the idea of the same social position, the notion of school as a class of its own can thus be justified. SHEINS LARYERED CONCEPTUALIZATION ON DPS Basic Assumption in the school and Mr. Keatings class The school in the movie is a formally organize settings and all of the student are made to conform to this settings which are classified as tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. This formality is strictly adhered by the authorities of the school and never taking for granted. On the other hand in Mr. Keatings class, it is contrary to the laid settings of the school. He made the student to believe in their self and also walk the path of individualist. Values and Beliefs The values and beliefs in any society is the instrument that shapes individual in that society according to the movie, students are expected to be guided by the beliefs and value of the school. Every Welton students are required to trust the doctrine of the school without any defiant, these have been the normal tradition of the school since its inception. Mr. Keatings in a way did not only help his student with the values and beliefs of the school but he guided his students into an expended awareness of lifes possibilities Artifacts and Creations The school in the movies maintained its old edifice, this kind of depict conformity with the early doctrine of the school. This also explains that even with the dynamic trend in the society, the school authority still cling to the old doctrine of the school. However the style of communication or language exercise by the teachers in the school was more of an authoritative style in which student were not free to challenge or question the authority of their teachers. The dead poets society was formed Mr. Keating in his days at Welton, this group then was against the norms of the school that was why its memory was never to be revisited or talked about in the school. Keatings actually made this clear to his student, when he told them not to say or talked about the dead poets society. It is very interesting to see how John Keating establishes the relationship with his students in classroom and outside the classroom. He is quite open with his students about his attitude towards the world and his ideas about the purposes of life, and other general things, however, at the same time he doesnt reveal his personal life. This is very understandable due to the fact that he is a teacher and his role as a teacher prevents him from getting too personal with his students. Moreover, in our opinion, it was very important to keep this barrier between the professor and his students because otherwise they couldve lost their respect for him as a teacher. At the same time, Keating was eccentric and open enough to make his students be interested in him which helped in getting their attention to poetry. A) The different groups in the movie are as follows; I) Teachers these were responsible for the day to day teaching and providing guidance to the students of welt on academy. Ii) Students These were basically teenage boys aged 15-17 who were going to Welton academy as a preparatory school for college. The school was portrayed as being one of the best for producing intelligent students. Iii) DPS abbreviation for dead poets society, this was a literary club formed by eager students who wanted to draw meanings from what life really is all about by reading and reviewing poetry. The DPS recited poetry in two different contexts, romanticism and realism. iv) Parents/guardians these constituted parents who brought their children to welt on academy preparatory school, hoping to prepare a better future for their kids taking into account the reputation the school had. V) Board of regents/ school administration This was a governing body of the school concerned with all matters regarding the affairs of the students and teachers and the organizational protocols of the school. vi) Affiliates these were other people in the movie whom in one way or another made the boys lives what they are or what they ought to become and accomplish. Example Todds brother who was a lawyer what his parents wanted Todd to look up to, Knoxs crush Christine whom in a way helped Knox build his confidence and the list goes on and onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ vii) Study groups These were studying groups for the students categorized depending on the area of study example Latin, chemistry etc. B) The groups do differ basically in the way they are formed and the purpose from which they were created. Some of them are what are called formal groups while other is informal groups. Starting with the formal groups, these were created by the structure of the organization basing on task needs and were usually involuntary. In this we can include the students themselves, teachers, board of regents/school administration and the parents. The students and the teachers are the key groups in forming the school environment were the actual educating/learning process is takes place. Parents role in all this is to ensure their children get proper education by addressing to their basic needs and wants. Board of regents/ school of administration were there to ensure that the learning process runs smoothly and that the rules and regulations of the school are adhered to by both students and teachers. The informal groups on the other hand were created by the members themselves to cater for particular needs in this case social needs and they were voluntary. In this we can include the dead poets society (DPS) group, affiliates and study groups. The DPS was created by its members led by Neil to try and find true meaning to life and to seize the day making the boys lives extraordinary as inspired by their teacher Mr. Keating. The affiliates existed because in one way or another are what the characters looked up to or tried to associate them with themselves in conquering day to day life challenges as teenage boys. Study groups were formed by the students for the sole purpose of striving to achieve both academically and socially in line with the schools four pillars which were honor, discipline, excellence and tradition. C) As mentioned above, the groups similarity basically lies in whether they are formal or informal groups. Formal groups were created by the structure of the organization and were involuntary while informal groups were created by the members themselves and they were voluntary. Dissimilarity of these groups can be observed in the roles each group plays. The basic roles of each group are as follows; Teachers these played a role of conveying the knowledge they had acquired through training and experience to the students and provide guidance in the learning process. Students these were in search of knowledge and enrolled to the preparatory school to learn and prepare themselves for college. Parents these were the providers for the students needs and wants and also provided guidance. Board of regents/schools administrators ensured that the learning process runs smoothly DPS This group was in search of giving meaning to life through reciting poetry inspired by their teacher. Study groups formed for the sole purpose of co operating in studying and learning among students. Affiliates these acted as references or catalysts in either shaping or making the students behave in a certain way or achieve particular goals in their lives. Evaluation In the movie of Dead Poets Society, we see the culture of the Welton academy had very traditional and reflecting one of the most significant way which was influenced to the student and other social group. However the movie showed that Welton Academy was closely bound to the students families which were usually provided generation to generations of their forefathers had attended the school so that students automatically had to follow their tradition and principle like tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. According to the movie Dead Poets Society, there are some strong groups where culture of the school and those groups are influence each other. Welton Academy was an interdisciplinary foundation where some elements of culture were illustrate to the teachers, students, parents or guardians group, school administration group and affiliates group to symbolic perspective of thinking, established guidelines and structures in their attempts to motivate and inspire each other. At the beginning of the story hallways, dormitories and class room are steadily introduced to the group of students that are at the center of the story. Students group has leadership abilities like Neil, self-confident and about to discover the inspiring power of poetry like Charlie Dalton are individually influences by the teacher group and administration group. Mr. Keating, English literature teacher was explored and motivated some elements of culture and illustrate to the students to desire for charismatic leadershi p, change raises question concerning about literature and real life. In parents group, we see most clearly in the value tight spot faced by Neil Perry and the opposition to his father. Neil and his father relationship were a struggle for control of all disagreements like battles with win-lose outcomes. Neil had wished to be an actor and knew that it would definitely be against his fathers wished. Another linked between parents and students group was Todd and his family. Todds parents had given him the same desk set which he got two following years and that was upsetting him. Instead to administration group, it was encouraging conformity through seduction to the students group. In this movie Students made a group name Dead poets society (DPS) which was insolence and penalize the deviant by the administration. But this group would be continued of some students to take part by all kind of persuade, pressure and negotiate. Neil was a leader in that group activity who praises his accompl ishments and shares personal secrets with others. Moreover, In our view of Dead poets society movie, the dissimilarity of above mention groups like teachers, students, parents, boarding of regents or schools administrators, dead poet society, study groups and also affiliates can be observed in the roles each group plays and we can see they are linked to each other.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Object oriented programming with subclasses

Object oriented programming with subclasses Inheritance Polymorphism Given Person class definition below: class Person { private String name; Person(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } } Design two subclasses of Person, named Student and Employee. Make Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee. An instance of Student has a class status (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior). Declare the status as constants in the Student class. An instance of Employee has a department, salary, and date-hired. Define a class named MyDate that contains fields of the year, month, and day. A faculty member has office hours and a rank (lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, and professor). A staff member has a position title. Override the toString() method in Person class to display the class name and the persons name. Student class to display class name, students name and class status. Employee class to display class name, employees name, and department Faculty class to display class name, employees name, office hours and rank Staff class to display class name, employees name, position title Draw a class diagram to represent the relationship of the classes above. Using Java to write and implement the classes with regard to the class diagram. Write a test program in Java that creates instances of Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff, and invokes their toString() method. Write another test program in Java that creates instances of Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff in an array of Object. Use a repetition statement to call its toString() method. Modify the classes in question (1) above: Add a package ctb2209.p7 to Person class, and then compile all the classes again. Explain the errors and fix it. Design a class named Square that contains data fields for height, width, and an abstract method named computeSurfaceArea(). Create a child class named Cube. Cube contains an additional data field named depth, and overrides computeSurfaceArea() method inherited from its parent method. Implement all the classes. Write an application that instantiates objects of Square and Cube in an array and displays the surface areas of each object using iteration, and test all the methods of all the objects. Create an abstract AutoMobile class with fields for the car make and price. Include get and set methods for these fields; the calculatePrice() method is abstract. Create two subclasses for individual automobile makers (for example, Ford or Honda), and include appropriate calculatePrice() method in each subclass (for example, RM110,000 or RM120,000 respectively). Finally, write an application that uses the AutoMobile class as reference type and instantiate objects of its subclasses to display information about different cars. Save the files as,, and Create an interface called Player. The interface has an abstract method called play() that displays a message describing the meaning of play to the class. Create classes called Child, Musician, and Actor that implement Player interface. Create an application that demonstrates the use of the classes. Save the files as,,,, and Sunway Construction Loan Corporate makes loans of up to RM100,000,000,000 for construction projects. There are two categories of Loans those to businesses and those to individual applicants. Write an application that tracks all new construction loans. The application must also calculate the total amount owed at the due date (original loan amount + loan fee). The application should include the following classes: LoanConstants A public interface class. LoanConstants includes constant values for short-term (one year), medium-term (three years), and long-term (five years) loans. It also contains constants for the company name and the maximum loan amount. Loan A public abstract class that implements the LoanConstants interface. A Loan includes a loan number, customer last name, amount of loan, interest rate, and term. The constructor requires data for each of the fields except interest rate. Do not allow loan amounts over RM100,000,000,000. Force any loan term that is not one of the three defined in the LoanConstants class to a short-term (one-year) loan. Create a toString() method that displays all the loan data. BusinessLoan A public class that extends Loan. The BusinessLoan constructor sets the interest rate to 1% over the current basic interest rate. PersonalLoan A public class that extends Loan. The PersonalLoan constructor sets the interest rate to 2% over the current basic interest rate. CreateLoans An application that creates an array of five Loans. Prompt that user for the current basic interest rate. Then, in a loop, prompt the user for a loan type and all relevant information for that loan. Store the created Loan objects in the array. When data entry is complete, display all the loans. Save the files as,,,, and [Note: java.util.Date and java.text.SimpleDateFormat may needed for your total amount owed at the due date calculation, you may look at the usage of format() and parse() methods of SimplateDateFormat class]

Monday, August 19, 2019

Winning is the only thing :: essays research papers

Randy Roberts and James Olson in their book, Winning is the Only Thing: Sports in America since 1945, explored the world of sports since the end of World War II. Their book covers the many aspects of sports, from the athletes and management to the fans and the media. The authors first make clear differences in the way people viewed sports before the war and how they did after the war. The book talks a lot about the astounding transformation of sports in America during the post war era. The objective of sports before world warII matched up to the original idea of such games. Athletes, for the most part, â€Å"played â€Å"to do just that- every sports as their hobbies (Roberts, Olson xi) games were intended to be fun for the players; and just as a board game of â€Å"candy land,† sports were activities in which the game was on the court, field, diamond, or whatever the â€Å" game board† was. The minds of people were filled with war and the everyday challenges of life (xi). Thus, people found sports to be a way of escape from all that they faced fans as well as athletes. However, in a matter of a few years the entertainment of sports changed dramatically. After World War II, it could be said that Americans put their identity, worth, and security in sports. They felt the need to stand up to the world to show them who their country was and what it stood for. â€Å"Americans came to take sports very seriously, and they watched and played for the highest economic, politic, and personal stakes†(xii).other countries began to represent themselves through sports as well; and, in a sense, the war continued though the means of these â€Å"games.† Especially in the Olympics, whole countries fought to win and be seen as the superior. Sports was a way of, not only representing pride in the athletes, but also a way of showing the world who its government, communities, families, and all that America stood for. Roberts and Olson describe athletes during this era as national soldiers of sport (19) as in the defeat of war, when America lost in the name of sports, it was in no way gone unnoticed by the majority of the country. For America, losing many of the medals during the 1960 Olympic games was a reason to make excuses for such an unfortunate happening of the country(22.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death and Grief in Mid-Term Break :: Mid-Term Break Essays

In the poem Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney, the ideas of death, trauma, grief and finality are explored. The poem itself is as haunting as it is brilliantly executed. The poem depicts a boy arriving home from boarding school, to where he is informed of the tragic death of his younger brother, whose doomed fate indelibly marks the narrator, whom is the boy’s older brother. The boy recounts the experience of losing a loved one. The author has incorporated many elements and style in a subtle and distinct manner.    The poem depicts a boy arriving home from school, â€Å"moaning in the college sick bay† to hear the news that his four year old brother has been killed in an accident. Upon arriving home, â€Å"I met my father crying.† This shows how death can cause much grief and trauma, as well as confusion. Here we can see that the stereotypical roles of the parents have been reversed/exchanged, with the father crying, and the boy’s mother, â€Å"Coughed out angry, tearless sighs.† It can be seen/evident, that deaths were quite common, â€Å"He had always taken funerals in his stride.† But no-one expected the death to hit quite so close to home†¦ to the heart. And then we see the tables have turned; the parents no longer were the spectators of the funerals, now that their own flesh and blood had been taken away from them.    The theme within the poem is subtly expressed, with an almost childlike innocence.   The theme is set out in a simple manner, yet pays much attention to detail. The theme is one of â€Å"finality.† Hence the title playing a huge role   in the revealing of the theme. â€Å"Mid-Term Break† suggests finality†¦ of one’s life†¦. Time. Along with death brings finality, and along with finality comes the repurcussions of death, such as trauma and   grief for all involved.    The emotions of the poem are beautifully poignant, and this allows the reader to be transported to a world of different experience, such as the repression. The mood within the poem has   a somber touch with an eerie silence. The poem positions the reader to come away with mixed emotions- anger, grief, confusion†¦ all of which the topic of death brings with it. This leaves the audience truly captivated with the simple text that represents so much emotion.    There are many images depicted in the poem, which   is what ultimately draws the audience   into it’s graps/ The impenatrable, life-altering consequences of death and the secrets of adolescence bring the poem to life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

English Language Learners Essay

In this paper we will explain the theory behind English language learners, and give the benefits Of the program. One will show how important it is to practice and or adopt this program as a teacher. In the scenario the teacher was caught off guard he know nothing about using, programs to help him teach the new student. When the student first came into school there should have been an assessment as to how much the child knew. As the child came into the classroom the environment should have made her feel comfortable and safe to explore. The teacher stated that he was frustrated because he did not understand the student native language. As after five months he didn’t know if the student was learning anything. The child would only nod her head or look at him to let him know she understood. The teacher needs to know the stages of oral language development which are the following and the descriptions: 1. The silent period- The student may smile, make hand gestures, point at what they want and not say a word. This stage could last 10 hours, up to six months. 2. The early production stage- This stage could last up to another six months and what also could be expected is simple yes or no answer. At this stage one is not looking for complete conversation. 3. Speech emergences stage- This stage may last up to another year. In the stage the students are able to answer question in complete sentences however, they may make grammatical errors. 4. Intermediate stage- the student is able to make statements and answer in complete sentences. They are also able to give their own opinion, if they don’t understand they will make sure they understand what you are asking and or saying. 5. Advance stage- This student is able to speak in full sentences and write without making grammatical errors. This student can speak as well as an English speaking person. Reading the scenario I was concerned with Mikhail, he had been in the United States for two years and have not yet learned the grammar on his grade level. The teacher states that Mikhail is very well liked and can understand English very well but has poor writing skills. The teacher has no idea what to do next. ACTION PLAN The action plan will be a plan set for all levels of ELLS learners. It will help new students that have not been in an English language learner’s class. It will also help student that have been in the United States for over two years. The first action plan that we are going to do to reduce the effective filtering (anxiety level) the reason for this is to make the students feel comfortable. The more at ease the student is the more the student will learn. The students that are first time comers need to know that the teacher is there for them and they don’t have to second guess. Scaffolding would be one of the activities to help with effective filtering. SHOW AND TELL- This activity is a great example of scaffolding. The teacher would go first so that the students would know how it is to be done. One could show them how to speak clear so that every student understands what they’re saying, it creates a great deal of vocabulary. In doing the show and tell it will allow you to get background on your students. This will allow you to develop a successful lesson plan. Lesson Plan K-12 VOCABULARY/WRITING Fish in a bowl Materials Fish Bowl Pens OBJECT The object of this lesson is to have the students listening, reading and writing. HOW TO PLAY Each student will write a question on paper and put it into the fish bowl. Each student has to put in two question each. One would have to take a paper out of the fish bowl, and read the question and read it in front of the class during this time every one is quite. There are 6 to 10 students sitting in a circle. Once all of the question are pulled and answered, they are put into a smaller group to talk amongst themselves to see how it feels to answer the questions. This activity will give the students listening, writing, reading and speaking activity. In this paper one has shown the importance of English Language Learners. One have shown that this program can be used by every level of English language learner. Reference Syrja, R.C. (2011). How to reach and teach English language learners: Practical strategies to ensure success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Reluctant Works Case Study

This case study is based on a conversation between two people: Tim Aston, a new project manager, and Phil Davies, director of project management. Aston had just changed jobs and was very excited about his new job. He wanted to be the best manager his company ever had. But ever since he had been on the job, he was becoming more and more frustrated with the employees and their work habits. Finally he went to see Davies and discuss his problems with him. Chapter Four of our text discusses the ten skills that are necessary for effective program management. (Kerzner, 2009, pg.149) Of those skills, I felt that there were three that were lacking in the case study. The problems that he discussed with Davies involved mainly team building, leadership, and administrative – time management skills. The case study showed that the lack of these things caused a hardship for management in an effort to complete necessary goals. Team building focuses on â€Å"effective communications, sincere i nterest in the professional growth of team members, and the commitment to the project† (Kerzner, 2009, pg. 149). The success of the team was not a priority in the lives of these individuals.They did what they wanted and how they wanted, regardless of how if would affect the team, project manger or the project. Phil Davies, the director, explained to Tim Aston, the project manager, that these people were set in their ways, at the top of their pay grades, and had no room for growth in the organization. Tim would have to take the time to learn what motivates them and try a different angle in order to get them involved. Phil stated that in the project environment, the workers think they are more important than the project and this has been the way it has been in their project organizational form.  (Kerzner, 2009, pg. 294)Tim will have to start from scratch. He will have to build a foundation with his team in order to bring them together. Phil also seemed to be very passive aggre ssive by acting like the workers were right and the project manager was wrong. Not supportive from a management stand point either. The purpose of Tim’s outreach to Phil was for support and guidance but all he received was a push off letting him know that he was on his own. Leadership is the second skill that was needed in this situation. Leadership is motivation for the team to  tackle challenges.A leader has to have emotional intelligence or empathy in order to be able to understand his team. For you to accomplish an objective you have to persuade your team to believe in the same goal. Being a role model is part of leadership. Management of the performance of the team and provision of support and development or growth of the team’s technical skills is all part of leadership. The lack of leadership from Tim proved that he was unable to resolve the conflicts that he encountered with the workers.There should have been a team meeting called in order to review the objec tives of the project and the team, state what his expectations were in completing them, as well as policies and procedures that they have to adhere to in the process. In the text, Kerzner also specifies several things that project managers do that are caused by a loss of understanding. These things end up causing time management problems for the project. The final skill that he needed to be proficient in was time management skills. A skilled project manager needs to be experienced in developing a schedule and doing what was necessary to maintain that schedule.It is unacceptable for the project manager to wait for someone else to make a decision that is his own responsibility. In this case study Aston had the responsibility for the project. He was responsible for managing his team and making sure that everyone was there. He failed at this task so he went to Davies for help. Aston made no attempt to coordinate schedules of his team for the project. He would have known of the forthcomi ng conflicts in advance and would have been able to modify the schedule accordingly. The project manager need socializing time with employees in addition to just seeing them during meetings.This is necessary to get to know them and their needs. Tim Aston’s skills in dealing with his project staff and functional manager leave a lot to be desired. His functional managers are not accountable due to his laissez faire leadership. They in term cause the failure of his projects. This is where the team building skills lacked causing his effectiveness as a project manager to falter. He has not taken charge or control of the team and there is no cohesive team to work on project’s objectives. With no leadership, the project management is non-existent and the team is none existent.No direction of the team means the morale and motivation of the team members is extremely low. Being the new â€Å"kid on the block†, the other team members have they own agenda moving forward and he has an uphill battle to connect with them. He lacks emotional intelligence in thinking he can just come in among his subordinates, who are years older than him, and gain their trust and confidence. He lacks self-confidence and turns to the director help instead of facing the challenges head on. This further diminishes the team’s confidence in him as a leader for the team. Tim Aston has not taught his team the importance of time management.By leaving them to manage their official time the way they want, he undermines the achievement of the project’s goals or objectives. Time management, being vital successful completion of a project, has to be inculcated into the team at all cost. A person who is not willing to respect time allocated to the project should not be part of the team. The issue of employees going on vacation or doing other activities instead of accomplishing important projects should not arise. Once time is set aside for projects it should become non-neg otiable, thus workers will come to respect the projects goals.As the goals set are met, self-motivation within the team will rise. Lack of communication by Tim Aston has contributed to the lackluster performance of the team. Being a new employee, he should have communicated his vision and ideas effectively to the team. The team might be at a loss as to his intensions for the projects. Meeting with them in advance and communicating his needs could have enabled him to know the feelings of the team. They could have ironed out their differences and he would have got a chance to persuade them on his new way of thinking. Mr.Davies involvement further alienated him from the staff below him and making communication more difficult because he still did not communicate with them. The management of the company gave Tim Aston very little support. By supporting the needs the functional managers, they have denied Tim Aston the support and advantage he needed to have his team comply. As a new proje ct manager, upper level management needed to give strong and unequivocal support of Tim to be able to take charge of the subordinates who considered him irrelevant to their needs and too young to understand their position.With no support, it is clear that the functional managers send the message that they don’t care if their lack of commitment will sabotage the new project manager. Management implies that the problem is with Tim Aston and not the subordinates by suggesting that he take a study in human relations. Adding yet another hit to further diminish the authority and confidence of the project manager. Tim totally believed he would receive a very different level of support from management.Team building is important to project manager, as without a cohesive team, the pooling of resources and talents that is vital in any company’s operations is not possible. A team that is not united in purpose cannot meet targets. Time management determines productivity. Effective time management diminishes waste both of resources and personnel motivation as without it concentration, focus and interests wanes. In any environment, personality and ideas conflicts are inevitable thus; conflict resolution or management maintains a cordial environment for workers and allocation of resources.Finally, for all these to be possible, effective communication as a leader has to be utilized by the project manager to pass his ideas to his team and from the company’s management to guide everybody on the expectations of the company. The recommendation that can be given to the company is that a supportive environment is of the utmost importance to the application of the project manager’s critical skills. Without it, application of these skills in achieving personnel motivation, resource allocation and other objectives would be an exercise in futility.The exercise of leadership skills and style by the project manager and company will influence the morale and moti vation of workers affecting productivity. Project managers should find importance in understanding the culture and system of values for the company they work for. As mentioned throughout several class discussions, taking the time to get to know the functional staff can promote effective cohesion in a team in order to get the project completed correctly in am efficient and effective manner.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Past and Present Native American Affairs

After examining the past of Native Americans, their wanting to have a piece of the government pie, and the present affairs under the reservations is different to the living circumstances of Native Americans. It starts with issues such as drug abuse and prevention within the tribes. The next step for them is to ensure they have enough money to support their tribes and encompasses all their needs. Finally, it is how the tribes give back to the states they decide to build casinos in. In the article, â€Å"Drug Czar Urges Tribal Leaders to Focus on Youth Drug Preventions,† posted by the US Newswire on September 6, 2000, discuses about how American Indian youth has the highest percentage of drug abuse in America at this time. The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Barry R. McCaffery has promoted a campaign to prevent the drug use. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has invested in over $3 million reaching out to tweens and teens. Also, McCaffery thinks that if every parent in America along with American Indian parents would talk to their children about drugs, that it would make a huge difference. In the article, â€Å"In Shift, Interior Dept. May Allow Tribes to Build Casinos far From Reservations,† talks about the Bush-era rule â€Å"allows Indian tribe to build casinos far from the reservations, raising the possibility that new gambling resorts could be built close to New York and elsewhere around the country†. In 2008 tribes couldn’t open beyond their commuting distance, but this led to being rejected from at least 22 applications. This does not mean the casinos are approved yet though. Nelson Rose, a professor at Whittier Law School in California this there’s to much money involved. Some tribes like the Mississippi Band of Choctaws could benefit from this, since they plan for a $375 million casino/ hotel 175 miles away. It could be a benefit to others as well, considering it could bring thousands of jobs. But only five tribes have been approved for this in the 23 years Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulation Act. In article one states that American Indians and Alaskan Native children were the highest drug users amongst teens. Since then, the National Drug Policy has invested the time, effort, and money to educate parents as well as their children about drugs and alcohol. In article two they are talking about the revenue they made the state and how much they were able to put into education funds. These casinos are not being built for teens to enjoy. They are meant for adult leisure. Article two showed how much money they are placing into education for the entire state and not just for certain populations. Both articles discuss education, however article two highlights it and makes it a positive thing for the state the casino is built in. Article one is explaining us that they had to invest money for this certain problem. This is not just an American Indian or Native Alaska problem. It’s our country’s issue. All over our country we are seeing proposals for casinos that are backed by Native American tribes. The government in some states saw it as an advantage and took it, while others still battle with the idea of having a casino in their state. Casinos are the adult’s version of Disney Land and the chances of the government lowering the age to gamble is non existing. There is no relation between drug use and where the casinos are. These casinos have been built and they are continuously pouring money back into the state and keeping the taxes low and filling the necessary gaps as well as putting in extra money where we need it. Education is one of the toughest battles when it comes to funding and if these casinos are putting money into this fund to allow all children to go to school and be safe, then what is the problem? I would not change the Columbus Holiday. Columbus is one of our founding fathers and he should be appreciated for that. For if he did not come over here, where would be now? We could still be over in Europe somewhere. A few other reasons why I enjoy Columbus Day are: it’s a day off from school and it gives me an opportunity to spend time with my two little brothers and my mom. I understand what he did to the Native Americans; however like many of our other founding fathers he did what he was right for his people at that time. That is why it is called history so we know not to repeat it.